as well as his impressive physical attributes he has charm and money 意味
- 印象的な身体上の特性に加えて魅力と金に恵まれている
- well 1well n. 井戸. 【動詞+】 bore a well (ボーリングで)井戸を掘る clean a well 井戸をさらう
- his HIS {略-1} : Honeywell Information Systems ハネウェル情報システム
- impressive impressive adj. 印象的な, 感銘を与える. 【副詞】 The bouillabaisse was especially
- physical physical n. 《米》 身体検査. 【動詞+】 He was advised to get a complete physical.
- he he 同氏 どうし 先方 せんぽう 彼 かれ あの方 あのかた
- has {人名} : ハス
- charm 1charm n. (1) 魅力; 人を引きつける力; 色香, 器量. 【動詞+】 A vase of flowers adds charm to
- money money n. 貨幣, 金銭; 富, 財産, 金力. 【動詞+】 The school is ready to accept money
- as well as well にも
- as well as as well as のみならず 及び および 共 きょう とも
- physical charm 肉体美{にくたいび}
- tag along behind someone to make sure he has done his homework (人)にうるさく付きまとい宿題{しゅくだい}が済んだかどうか確かめる
- what he has to say 彼の発言{はつげん}、彼の話
- charm someone out of his depression (人)の憂うつを晴らす
- have suspicions that he has a lover 彼に愛人{あいじん}がいるのではないかと疑う